i went to New Brunswick for a New Year's party

way to bring in the new year

i met up with Darnell and Jonique at Edison

we ventured to this pizza shop to taxi some heads back to the party


"every portrait i'm in is gold" - D. Scott

the party was at Ariel's
mad heads. . .extra uncomfortable situations



gettin down to some Snoop


there were some heads playing Beer Pong in the basement

Stayin' Alive!

i chilled on the photog for a sec, then i noticed Jonique gettin' down by himself

this kid was being a dick so everybody ganged up on him and gave him the boot

gettin down?

sleeping quarters


good night

the next morning, i woke up and saw some odd things

a couple hours later Khalyil picked me and Darnell up to go skate

later on, we ventured to this skate park

we skated the park for a few hours then headed to Wendy's for some eats

before we ventured to a friends for a few drinks, we stoped at a this bowling alley


we stopped at the crib for a quick photo sesh

i suck
my new year's resolution is to take more (better) photos

then we were off
Kat and dog

Kat's tat

Gus had a pretty sick setup



everyone was getting extra gnar in the basement

Darnell Scott photo sesh

then there was a bit mo' dancin'

then we were out

love it
* = photo's by Darnell Scott